Tilted Green Blob

Want A Better Night's Sleep? Try Eating These Foods

Mediterranean diet

As well as reducing your risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer, researchers have found a Mediterranean diet is also good for helping you get better rest.

Canned sardines

Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey confirms that low calcium intake is specifically linked with difficulty nodding off and less restorative sleep.


A banana is packed with around 375mg of potassium (nearly a fifth of the daily recommendation), a mineral associated with less daytime sleepiness.

Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts are packed with magnesium, which can enhance levels of sleep-regulating melatonin hormone and aid muscle relaxation.


Almonds are also a good source of magnesium and have documented slumber-promoting qualities. In one study there was a 10% drop in the number of students reporting insomnia after eating 10 almonds a day for 14 days.

Whole grains

High fibre intake is associated with more rejuvenating nights under the duvet according to a 2016 study. For the purposes of the research


Low dietary intake of the mineral selenium is common and has been linked with difficulty nodding off. Eating more crab is one way of getting your selenium fix.

Oily fish

In a 2014 study, men who ate salmon three times a week for six months showed small improvements in sleep and daily functioning.

Soya foods

Greater intake of isoflavones, found in soya products such as tofu, were linked with higher chances of getting optimal sleep (7–8 hours a night) in a Japanese study.