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Hairdressing Tips That Are A Cut Above The Rest

Be cautious with your sources

When looking for pictures of hair, choose examples that resemble your own. If you have straight, fine hair, you shouldn't choose pictures of people with thick curls.

Speak up

Speak up if something's not quite your style. Maybe you don't like blow-drying at all, or you have a favorite side for parting your hair. It's okay to say so.

Don't be vague

Avoid asking your hairdresser to cut off an inch from all sides and mentioning that you might want more adjustments later.

Show pictures of styles you like

It helps a lot if you bring pictures of inspiring hairstyles that suit your hair type. You should also be clear about the looks you don't like.

Bring in realistic pictures

Hairdressers find it frustrating when clients turn up with unrealistic images. Avoid bringing filtered or wig photos.

Good coloring has a price

Be ready if you want to change your hair tone. Good coloring requires both time and financial commitment. Salons use top-notch products to ensure you get what you paid for.

The finger tip

To find out if you really like a model's hairstyle, simply cover her face with your finger while you evaluate the cut. This way you can see if you really like the hair and not the face.

Be polite

Don't be rude to your stylist when they try to sell you products. Hairdressers aren't trying to raise your bill—they're doing their job and helping you maintain your style.

Know your measurements

Make sure you know what six inches (15 cm) looks like. You may think you want to cut off that much, but you should be aware of what it actually looks like so you don't get upset.