Aries are known for their energetic and bold nature, so a bouquet of red tulips would be a perfect fit for them.
Taurus are grounded and practical, making them a good match for a bouquet of white or pink roses.
Geminis are versatile and curious, so they would appreciate a bouquet of yellow daisies or sunflowers.
Cancers are sensitive and emotional, making them a good match for a bouquet of pink or white carnations.
Leos love to be the center of attention and are drawn to bright colors, so a bouquet of orange lilies or sunflowers would be a great choice.
Virgos are known for their attention to detail and love of nature, making them a good match for a bouquet of lavender or chamomile.
Libras are romantic and appreciate beauty, so a bouquet of pink or peach colored roses would be a good choice.
Scorpios are passionate and intense, making them a good match for a bouquet of dark red or black roses.
Sagittarians are adventurous and free-spirited, so a bouquet of wildflowers or a mix of bright colors would be a good choice.
Capricorns are practical and traditional, making them a good match for a bouquet of white or blue flowers, such as delphinium or hydrangea.
Aquarians are independent and unique, so a bouquet of exotic and unconventional flowers, such as bird of paradise or protea, would be a good choice.
Pisces are dreamy and imaginative, making them a good match for a bouquet of lilacs or lotus flowers.