The richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids, healthy unsaturated fats, fatty fish have a proven effect on the brain.
These brain shaped nuts are the sources of the best fats which are good for the brain.
Coffee is a concentration booster. But do not consume more than 3-4 cups a day.
Egg is a powerhouse of essential vitamins like vitamin B6 and B12 and folic acid which are known to delay cognitive decline.
Rich in magnesium, vitamin Bs and tryptophan, pumpkin seeds are extremely good for brain health.
Tomato prevents free radical damage to cells that leads to development of dementia, studies have found.
The curcumin element of turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which also boosts brain cells.
Another rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, flaxseed oil, is good for brain health.